Groundbreaking AI-based Software Automation Platform for Chip Development Secures $3M Investment

Groundbreaking AI-based Software Automation Platform for Chip Development Secures $3M Investment

Transforming a slow and expensive development flow to boost R&D productivity 100X and unlock massive growth opportunities

Celera Incorporated announced today the closing of a $3M seed investment to develop and commercialize a revolutionary new AI-based software automation platform to accelerate the development of Analog/Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits (AMSIC) by 100X.  The AMSIC segment is a $60B slice of the overall $500B IC industry.  Historically its time and resource-intensive R&D workflow has been a $8.5B/year burden with typical 12 to 24 month development times.  The result, compounded by a persistent scarcity of engineering talent, is limited growth, profitability and ROI.

Celera’s fully automated AMSIC development platform frees the industry by enabling existing opportunities to be captured with dramatically less development investment and opens up a vast array of newly viable opportunities for custom AMSIC development in many end markets.  Additionally, the platform will empower non-semiconductor experts to define, create and realize their own custom AMSIC’s skipping the huge investments and risk previously required.

“For decades the chip industry has been limited by the time and cost of developing new products.  Celera has applied patented groundbreaking AI-based software and over two-hundred combined years of hands-on chip design experience to deliver the ‘impossible:’ Fully automated custom Analog/Mixed-Signal IC design,” said Abid Hussain, Co-Founder and CEO

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