Russia develops robots dedicated to military applications

Russia develops robots dedicated to military applications

Looks like Russia is doing everything to deliver on its promise of creating robot soldiers

Looks like Russia is doing everything to deliver on its promise of creating robot soldiers. Ivan the Terminator is the latest addition to the country’s list of high-tech weaponry, designed to change military warfare forever.

The robot can replace the person involved in battle or in emergency areas, where there is a risk of explosion, fire, high background radiation, or other conditions harmful to humans. These robots can also drive cars by automatically scanning the road for any blockages or barriers. Besides, they can emulate the exact movements of a human, using a special control suit that can be worn by the operator.

Additionally, Ivan is equipped with sensors in its suit, which can read the fine motor skills of the neck, shoulders, hands and fingers, allowing the robot to accurately repeat the exact movement. However, fears revolve around them, as these robots could become completely autonomous in near future.

Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research, or FEDOR, as it’s popularly referred is another class of robots being developed by Russia. The robot stands six foot tall, weighs between 106-160 kg, and can lift up to 20 kgs of cargo. Currently FEDOR is progressing, with its newly acquired ability to hold and fire two pistols at the same time.

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