Russia’s Smart MIssile History

Russia’s Smart MIssile History

Russian scientists had already developed the first missiles with artificial intelligence, back in 1970s. The missiles were created for the Strategic Nuclear Deterrence Forces and in naval armaments. These included the Russian Navy's most secret anti-ship cruise missile, the Granit, the first weapons system with artificial intelligence, known to humans.

The electronic and physical profiles of the foreign warships are programmed into the missiles’ computer, which is a standalone feature. Besides taking into account the dimensions and contours of a ship’s deck structure, data about the various electromagnetic and other fields unique to particular classes of vessels is also brought under consideration.

The missiles promptly reassign tasks and start to destroy other targets, as soon as they hit the main target. Moreover, these missiles travel at supersonic speed, performing fast and furious maneuvers. They are not only invisible to modern radar systems, but it’s practically impossible to escape a "flock" of Granit missiles.

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