Amazon launches series on hi-tech, with focus on Israel’s Startup Nation

Amazon launches series on hi-tech, with focus on Israel’s Startup Nation

Over 50 cutting-edge Israeli tech companies are featured in the first season of a new series released on Amazon Prime Video on October 18 called “TechTalk.” Season two features startups in New York, and season three hits Los Angeles.

The show’s creator is co-founder of Tech Talk Media, Jonny Caplan. He’s a British-born entrepreneur who moved from England to Israel in 2013 to explore the Startup Nation’s “multipotential” tech scene.

Caplan believes that multipotentiality — a concept first coined by Emilie Wapnick, TED speaker and author of “How to Be Everything” — is the driving force behind the burgeoning success of the startup industry. According to Wapnick, “Instead of picking one thing and denying all of our other interests, we can find ways to integrate our many passions into our lives.”

Caplan explains that by “defying the norm, multipotentialities have no single definitive skill, yet we have a multitude of talents and creativity which we can pursue simultaneously.”

The philosophy inspired him to pursue his flagship documentary series “TechTalk,” the first in a range of titles on emerging global startups and innovators.

What Caplan discovered in Israel — and in particular in his new hometown of Tel Aviv, which has the highest concentration of startups per capita in the world — led him to set up his US-based media and entertainment company with his partner, Ronald R. Hans.

Longtime entrepreneur Caplan serves as the writer, executive producer and co-host of the series, together with Israel’s “The Voice” finalist, Jessy Katz.

Over 50 cutting-edge Israeli tech companies are featured in the first season of a new series released on Amazon Prime Video on October 18 called “TechTalk.” Season two features startups in New York, and season three hits Los Angeles.

The show’s creator is co-founder of Tech Talk Media, Jonny Caplan. He’s a British-born entrepreneur who moved from England to Israel in 2013 to explore the Startup Nation’s “multipotential” tech scene.

Caplan believes that multipotentiality — a concept first coined by Emilie Wapnick, TED speaker and author of “How to Be Everything” — is the driving force behind the burgeoning success of the startup industry. According to Wapnick, “Instead of picking one thing and denying all of our other interests, we can find ways to integrate our many passions into our lives.”

Caplan explains that by “defying the norm, multipotentialities have no single definitive skill, yet we have a multitude of talents and creativity which we can pursue simultaneously.”

The philosophy inspired him to pursue his flagship documentary series “TechTalk,” the first in a range of titles on emerging global startups and innovators.

What Caplan discovered in Israel — and in particular in his new hometown of Tel Aviv, which has the highest concentration of startups per capita in the world — led him to set up his US-based media and entertainment company with his partner, Ronald R. Hans.

Longtime entrepreneur Caplan serves as the writer, executive producer and co-host of the series, together with Israel’s “The Voice” finalist, Jessy Katz.

“We chose Israel to launch the show as it is the Startup Nation, and the only location on earth that has such a vibrant mix of innovators and technologies in one space,” Caplan says.

While all the showcased startups are impressive, a few stand out to Caplan as exceptional. EyeRon Systems are makers of toughened first response drones that fly indoors into burning buildings to give fire fighters earlier warnings. The CEO and founder Nimrod Ron probably falls into the multipotential category, himself. Ron is an artist, one of Forbes Magazine’s “30 Under 30,” and the youngest person ever to achieve the Honorary Alumni Award from Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Then there is Intuition Robotics, which pioneers a small robot device called ElliQ designed to provide companionship for the elderly. With more than 70 percent of over people older than 70 living alone, dementia and other diseases pose a higher risk. ElliQ provides someone to talk to and checks up on its “companion,” suggesting exercise, games to play and even connects via Skype to family members.

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